

Carol y su mundo !








domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020

Cheap bridesmaid dress!!!

Cheap bridesmaid dress!!!

When planning your wedding, choosing the perfect bridesmaid dresses should be a fun experience. Simplify this sometimes complicated process by buying the beautiful and affordable bridesmaid dresses from cheap places and where they sell beautiful dresses, just like the ones I show you today! All bridesmaid dresses are stunning and priced under $ 100. With so many styles and colors to choose from, your bridesmaids are sure to find something they love at a price they'll love!

For a bride, beloved bridesmaids are the girls that mean the most to you, so try to make sure they are happy and look amazing on your wedding day. Choosing the delicate and affordable bridesmaid dresses from Yesbabyonline  is a key point for a great wedding party. THEY offer cheap 2020 bridesmaid dresses in different colors and styles that your bridesmaids will love; They can even dress them up on any special occasion after the wedding. It will be very thoughtful of you to choose such bridesmaid dresses. Your bridesmaids will appreciate it. Also, we offer wholesale bridesmaid dresses prices if you buy more than 1 piece. The more you buy, the cheaper you will get. Find more 2020 wedding dresses, flower girl dresses, 2020 party dresses to please your shopping trip.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Cheap wedding dress!!!

Don't spend your wedding budget on an expensive dress. Instead, buy these cheap wedding dresses and affordable wedding dresses and save big. If you are looking for the wedding dress of your dreams or a plus size wedding dress or just need a simple wedding dress for a beach wedding, we cover it with an extensive list of cheap wedding dresses. Choose from lace wedding dresses that have a beautiful mermaid twist and save with unique and inexpensive wedding dresses that amaze! Shop cheap wedding dresses online for the best modern wedding styles and looks. Buying a wedding dress on a budget? Find cheap wedding dresses under $ 100 in beautiful simple designs up to glamorous gowns

There is nothing but excitement and euphoria in the air when you finally start selecting the wedding dress of your dreams for your romantic church wedding or beach wedding ceremony. A wedding dress plays an important role in the big day, which can make the bride feel more confident, sexier, more elegant or more modern by choosing different types of wedding dresses, such as long or short, with a neckline. V or high neck, backless or covered backs, long or sleeveless sleeves etc. Also, different silhouettes of wedding dresses work best for different body types.

A-line wedding dresses for pear-shaped body type Yesbabyonline 
A-line wedding dresses feature a fitted bodice that flares smoothly to the floor creating a classic, seamless silhouette. If you are a pear shaped woman it will be great for you with a line wedding dress. When choosing a wedding dress for a pear-shaped body type, you should avoid a dress that highlights your bottom like mermaid wedding dresses and tiered wedding dress.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

Ball gown wedding dress!!!

buenas tardes!!!

For the ultimate in wedding romance, with just a touch of drama, wedding dresses are perfect for the bride looking to make a lasting impression on her wedding day. Inspired by classic romance, the ball gown wedding dresses feature full, voluminous skirts draped in soft tulle or sophisticated satin. Every bride should feel like a princess on her wedding day, and   Yesbabyonline   collection of prom dresses is sure to spark her own bridal fairy tale.

Look like the princess you have always dreamed of being in one of these ball gown wedding dresses. Whether you want a bridal style with simple satin, sheer long sleeves, or extravagant beaded lace, these wedding dresses will make you feel like royalty on your special day. Browse the prom wedding dresses from below: 

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Clothes to be at home!!!!

How are you, I hope you are very well and are safe! Here in my area we have started dating from 15, but I do not like going out much only what is necessary, I hope this ends very soon, for now I show you my selection of clothes to be at home!!!

 this time I leave you my favorites this week, I really liked the pants, the corse type dresses, the black lace bodysuits and the jeans !!! Happy weekend !!!


"Corset Dress"

"Black Lace Bodysuit"  


domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Produse cu cenușă vulcanică!!!

Buna seara !!!!

Știați despre produsele cu cenușă vulcanică ? Eu am aflat despre ele cu câteva zile în urmă și nu știam că există așa ceva ! 🖤🖤🖤 .
. ✔️✔️✔️ Beneficiile cosmetice ale cenusei vulcanice asupra pielii sunt cunoscute de secole. Cenusa vulcanica are un nivel înalt de minerale naturale si previne imbatranirea prin ameliorarea liniiilor fine si a ridurilor pielii !

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

PRODUSE CU Uleiul de arbore de ceai de la TEA TREE !!!

Buna dragelor , cum petreci ziua de azi ? Cu siguranta in casa , oricum nici vremea nu este prea frumoasa pentru a putea iesi !!! Nu stiu cum rezistati voi dar eu nu mai pot , nu inteleg persoanele care nu indragesc iesirile si calatoriile cum nu pot sa le placa asa ceva , uite ca acele persoane acum nu o duc greu , oricum nu le placea sa iasa , dar eu vreau sa IES , sa treaca odata aceasta perioada si sa putem iesi , dar bineinteles sa fim in siguranta!!!! 
Azi am sa va vorbesc despre produse care au in compozitie Uleiul de arbore de ceai  , acest ulei este un ulei esential, de culoare galben pal, cu un miros proaspat de camfor. Este extras din arborele Melaleuca alternifolia, care creste in Australia. Are un continut mare de terpene, mai ales de 4-terpinol, considerat un antiseptic bland, non-iritant pentru piele, dar extrem de eficient, care ucide efectiv bacteriile si ciupercile. Uleiul este un antiseptic, antifungic, antibacterian, antinflamator si antiviral, care are caracteristica unica ca restabileste flora bacteriana normala a pielii si vindeca pielea fara a afecta cresterea normala a celulelor si tesuturilor.

Tea Tree Oil este in prezent catalogat cel mai studiat ulei esential din !!!  

Uite ca formatul blogger s-a schimbat si acum trebuie sa o iau de la inceput , inca nu mi-am dat seama cum introduc linkul pe poze !!!Ajutor!!!  
UITE ca am mai descoperit un lucru , urc pozele pe blog punand doar linkul lor , am mai facut asta de nenumarate ori , dupa o zi nu se mai pot vedea ! 

Hola queridas, ¿cómo os  va hoy? Definitivamente estais en casa, de todos modos el clima no es demasiado bueno para salir !!! No sé cómo tu resistes pero yo  ya no puedo, no entiendo a las personas que no les gusta salir y viajar, cómo no les puede gustar algo así, mira, esas personas ahora no tienen dificultades, no les gustaba salir de todos modos, pero quiero SALIR , que  pase este período una vez y podremos salir, ¡pero por supuesto estar seguros!
Hoy voy a hablar sobre productos que tienen en su composición el aceite de árbol de té, este aceite es un aceite esencial, de color amarillo pálido, con un olor fresco a alcanfor. Se extrae del árbol Melaleuca alternifolia, que crece en Australia. Tiene un alto contenido de terpenos, especialmente 4-terpinol, considerado un antiséptico suave, no irritante para la piel, pero extremadamente eficaz, que mata eficazmente las bacterias y los hongos. El aceite es un antiséptico, antifúngico, antibacteriano, antiinflamatorio y antiviral, que tiene la característica única de que restaura la flora bacteriana normal de la piel y cura la piel sin afectar el crecimiento normal de células y tejidos.

El aceite del árbol del té se encuentra actualmente en la lista como el aceite esencial más estudiado en !!!

Mira, el formato de blogger ha cambiado y ahora tengo que tomarlo desde el principio, todavía no he descubierto cómo insertar el enlace en las imágenes!!! AYUDA!!!
Mire, he descubierto una cosa más, estoy subiendo las fotos en el blog, simplemente poniendo su enlace, lo he hecho montones de  veces, ¡después de un día no se pueden ver!


viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

Looking forward to spring!!!

Looking forward to spring!!!


How are you, how did you start this weekend? I am sincerely looking forward to spring, and I like trees with flowers but you can also wear less clothes and when it's time to take the pictures (like today) I'm not dying of cold! this time I leave you my favorites this week, I really liked the pants, the corse type dresses, the black lace bodysuits and the jeans !!! Happy weekend !!!


"Corset Dress"

"Black Lace Bodysuit"  


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