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miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020

Testing Dr Martin Schwarz Expert 38% whitening kit !!!

Buna ziua

Last week I started testing the Dr. Martin Schwarz teeth whitening kit they sent me to try. During this time it will be easier at home to apply the whitening routine.

Dr. Martin Schwarz is a German brand of dental and oral care products. Their philosophy is that true beauty begins with a healthy, white smile. On its website, you will find a selection of innovative and highly effective products that will help maintain our oral health, such as whitening gels, antibacterials, toothpastes and various accessories for dental care. I tell you that your products meet the standards set by the EU and German quality.

Săptămâna trecută am început să testez kitul de albire a dinților Dr. Martin Schwarz pe care mi l-au trimis să încerc. În acest timp, acasă va fi mai ușor să aplicați rutina de albire.

Dr. Martin Schwarz este o marcă germană de produse dentare și de îngrijire orală. Filozofia lor este că adevărata frumusețe începe cu un zâmbet sănătos, alb. Pe site-ul său, veți găsi o selecție de produse inovatoare și extrem de eficiente care vor ajuta la menținerea sănătății noastre orale, precum geluri de albire, antibacteriene, pastele de dinți și diverse accesorii pentru îngrijirea stomatologiei. Vă spun că produsele dvs. respectă standardele stabilite de UE și de calitatea germană.

This is the kit they sent me and which you can find on their website you can purchase individually, as needed. First of all we need to create the molds of our teeth, so that they adapt completely and thus the whitening is more efficient and comfortable. The instructions on how to do it are included in the package, it's simple, but you have to be careful to perform the steps correctly. First, we put the molds in hot water for a few seconds, this will allow the mold to adapt to its shape when placed in the mouth and pressed on the teeth. After adapting the mold on the teeth, we will cool it in cold water so that they harden and maintain their shape

Acesta este kitul pe care mi l-au trimis și pe care îl puteți găsi pe site-ul lor pe care îl puteți achiziționa individual, după caz. În primul rând trebuie să creăm matrițele dinților noștri, astfel încât acestea să se adapteze complet și astfel albirea să fie mai eficientă și mai confortabilă. Instrucțiunile despre cum se face sunt incluse în pachet, este simplu, dar trebuie să fii atent să efectuezi pașii corect. În primul rând, punem matrițele în apă fierbinte timp de câteva secunde, acest lucru va permite mucegaiului să se adapteze formei sale atunci când este introdus în gură și apăsat pe dinți. După adaptarea mucegaiului pe dinți, o vom răci în apă rece, astfel încât să se întărească și să își mențină forma.

Teeth whitening gel for trays EXPERT 38% is a product with intense whitening properties that provides results comparable to those obtained during whitening procedures in specialist dental clinics. Dr. Martin Schwarz – Expert 38% formula is suitable for accomplishing the teeth whitening cycle at home with the use of mouth trays. Such a procedure for independent brightening the colour of teeth at home is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the dentist, or with the help of a specialist when visiting a dental clinic or a cosmetic office.

Dr. Martin Schwarz EXPERT 38% gel formula contains precisely selected concentration of carbamide peroxide and other crucial ingredients. It allows safe, fast and effective teeth whitening treatment without the need for expensive lamps and additional equipment. Teeth whitening effects are immediately visible after the first 30-minute whitening session in a safe way for teeth and enamel.

How does Teeth Whitening Gel for Trays – Expert 38% work?

Dr. Martin Schwarz EXPERT 38% gel causes the oxidation and the elimination of undesirable organic pigments (coffee, tea, wine, tetracyclines, etc.). Thus, this selective degradation of organic materials together with the whitening properties of Expert 38% – provides excellent results, quickly and efficiently. Results of teeth whitening gel for trays  Expert 38% Dr. Martin Schwarz are visible after the first 30-minute whitening session. The final result of the entire whitening cycle usually brightens teeth by 4-8 shadesThe whitening cycle should not be longer than 12 days. Expert 38% whitening gel provides satisfying results with the use of mouth trays at home as well as in dental and cosmetic offices. It happens also due to the unique consistency of the Expert 38% teeth brightening gel. Strong adhesive properties of the product and its optimal condensation – facilitate the application of the gel and improve the whitening process itself.

Collaboration with centres carrying out professional teeth whitening treatments has allowed specialists from Dr. Martin Schwarz’s laboratories to develop a unique formula of gel possessing exceptionally effective whitening properties, and thus deprived of a series of shortcomings found in other products. Whitening gel for trays – Expert 38% effectively and efficiently brightens the colour of the teeth subjected to its action, eliminating the post-treatment discomfort, or radically limiting it.

The formula of teeth whitener Expert 38% that is based on the simultaneous effect of potassium nitrate, glycerol and carbamide (released during the whitening treatment) resulted in post-treatment tooth sensitivity being minor and occurring only sporadically. Whitening treatments with the use of Expert 38% do not significantly lead to discomfort caused by the consumption of cold, warm drinks or acidic fruit.

How does Bioscaling – Antibacterial dental gel for teeth work?

Before starting with whitening, they first recommend the use of Bioscaling, it is an antibacterial gel with very effective antiseptic properties when it comes to removing dental plaque, bacteria, etc. from the mouth, which are the cause of the formation of tartar on our teeth. . This gel can be used both in molds and to act for 25 or 30 minutes or directly with a toothbrush. I prefer to do it with molds, I assure you that the feeling of cleanliness is incredible. If you are looking for a deep cleaning of your teeth to complete your cleaning with toothpaste, this gel is fantastic.

Înainte de a începe cu albirea, ei recomandă mai întâi utilizarea Bioscaling-ului, este un gel antibacterian cu proprietăți antiseptice foarte eficiente atunci când vine vorba de îndepărtarea plăcii dentare, bacteriilor etc. de pe gură, care sunt cauza formării de tartru pe dinți. . Acest gel poate fi utilizat atât în ​​matrițe, cât și pentru a acționa 25 sau 30 de minute sau direct cu o periuță de dinți. Prefer să o fac cu matrițe, vă asigur că senzația de curățenie este incredibilă. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei curățări profunde a dinților pentru a vă finaliza curățarea cu pasta de dinți, acest gel este fantastic.

Bioscaling eliminates colonies of bacteria and microorganisms responsible for generating bacterial stains on the surface of the teeth, which if not removed – becomes a subject of the mineralization process and leads to tartar formation. The regular use of Bioscaling prevents the accumulation of unwanted substances on the surface of the teeth, counteracts the formation of dental deposits, and in the long-term prevents the formation of dental calculus – which otherwise has to be removed by dental scaling.

Precisely tailored proportions of Bioscaling ingredients, grant its cleansing properties and restore oral cavity’s natural pH. Bioscaling helps to maintain good oral hygiene, prevent bacterial stains to be accumulated, which otherwise can also lead to unpleasant breath odor. Regular use of antibacterial Bioscaling gel reduces the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth, and thus prevent occurring other periodontal diseases (such as periodontosis)refreshes the breath and speeds up the recovery from already undergone common respiratory diseases.

Due to the appropriately selected proportion of microcrystalline sodium bicarbonate and glycerol, Biocaling helps to maintain the optimal bacterial flora in the oral cavity and supports proper functioning of teeth and gums. Its antiseptic properties are peculiarly propitious in preventing recurrent bacterial infections of the mouth. Removing undesired bacteria from the teeth with the use of Bioscaling gel radically improves the effectiveness of teeth whitening product such as whitening toothpaste, teeth whitening gels and professional whitening products used in dental clinics.

How does Bioscaling eliminate unwanted microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungus) from the mouth?

The formula of Bioscaling was developed for an effective reduction of teeth plaque and restoration of natural pH in the mouth. However, the active ingredients of Bioscaling also influence the microbial environment in the mouth. Due to a high concentration of sodium bicarbonate. Bioscaling is extremely effective against viruses (like herpesviruses) and retroviruses (like coronaviruses). Bioscaling denatures & partially hydrolysates proteins in capsomere shields of viruses and penetrates these microorganisms to make them permanently inactive and therefore preventing infections.

Another active ingredient of Bioscaling – polysorbate 80 is responsible for decomposition of lipid membrane surrounding gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Bioscaling penetrates through the lipid membrane, making bacterial cells prone to decomposition caused by sodium bicarbonate molecules. The carefully crafted concentration of sodium bicarbonate and polysorbate 80 disinfects the mouth also from other microorganisms such as fungus.

How do thermoforming mouth trays – Flexi Trays work?

Innovative technology applied in Flexi Trays development allowed Dr. Martin Schwarz and its partnering institutions to create thermoforming mouth trays of features similar to those in products made by collecting dental impression from patients. Instead of alginate used in creating professional teeth imprint at the dentist, in Flexi Trays the copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate have been applied. This major change has allowed shortening the time of mouth trays creation from several days – as it takes place in dental offices, to just several minutes. Thermo-fitting mouth trays – Flexi Trays are also suitable for an independent moulding procedure at home without a need for dentist assistance. The product is intended for a few sessions only however if properly taken care of – it might be used longer. Thermoforming mouth trays usually do not provide an as close & precise fit to the teeth as the custom made dental trays made by the dentist.

The next step is whitening, first, take the palette of shades that comes in the kit to see what shade your teeth currently have, to compare with the effect after treatment. In my case I think the initial tone was C1. The process is simple, we apply the gel in molds and apply it in the same way for 25 or 30 minutes, you need to make sure that the gel has contact only with the teeth, not the gums. To do this, make sure the area is dry and clean off excess gel if it covers the gums. The frequency will depend on the sensitivity of your teeth, I do it every two days because I notice the sensitivity. When I started it I did it two days in a row and I noticed sensitivity, so since then I did it every two days and I didn't have this feeling, I used the product for 3 weeks every two days, and the result was very good and without discomfort. If you have cavities or other problems, you may notice pain, in which case stop treatment and go to the dentist to examine your dental problem.

Următorul pas este albirea, în primul rând, luați paleta de nuanțe care vine în trusă pentru a vedea ce nuanță are în prezent dinții dvs., pentru a compara cu efectul după tratament. În cazul meu cred că tonul inițial a fost C1. Procesul este simplu, aplicăm gelul în matrițe și îl aplicăm în același mod timp de 25 sau 30 de minute, trebuie să vă asigurați că gelul are contact doar cu dinții, nu cu gingiile. Pentru a face acest lucru, asigurați-vă că zona este uscată și curățați excesul de gel dacă acoperă gingiile. Frecvența va depinde de sensibilitatea dinților dvs., o fac la fiecare două zile, deoarece observ sensibilitatea. Când l-am început, l-am făcut două zile la rând și am observat sensibilitate, așa că de atunci am făcut-o la fiecare două zile și nu am avut această senzație, am folosit produsul timp de 3 săptămâni la fiecare două zile, iar rezultatul a fost foarte bine și fără disconfort. Dacă aveți cavități sau alte probleme, puteți observa durere, caz în care opriți tratamentul și mergeți la stomatolog pentru a vă examina problema dentară. 



67 comentarios:

  1. It sounds good, hope it brings good results. Valerie

  2. This looks like a really wonderful group of products! Whitening kits can be really useful.
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. I have tried these products and I was very happy with effect😊

  4. Guauuuuuuuuuuuu, que interesante...muack

  5. This seems like a great product. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/07/biotherm-biomains-age-delaying-hand-and.html

  6. Looks great product, I would love to try it :)

  7. What a wonderful product, oral health is so important!



  8. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!  

  9. So it looks very interesting.
    Greetings and have a nice weekend.

  10. Great review!!

  11. Teeth whitening kit Dr. Martin Schwarz is very interesting. Unfortunately, drinking a lot of coffee and strong tea is a risk
    the fact that our teeth are not perfectly white. Yours nice and warm :))

  12. Great product and testimony. Have a nice weekend

  13. ¡Hola! ^^
    Espero que hayas pasado un buen verano :)
    Un beso!

  14. Leí muchas opiniones positivas sobre este set ☺

  15. This kit looks wonderful. Oral hygiene is so important.

  16. Muy chulo todo! Me han encantado los productos!!

  17. Sunflowers <3
    „Zapraszam także do siebie na nowy post - KLIK

  18. I like that it meet the standards set by the EU and German quality, because that means something, unlike in the US tbh. Thanks for sharing the review this looks great.

  19. Realmente não conhecia esta marca.
    Um beijo.

  20. Quanto produto incrível!
    Amei a embalagem de ambos, vou visitar o site do Dr.
    Diário da Lady

  21. Thank you for introducing products and uses.

  22. Holaa, primeramente qué bellas flores, segundo, de veras es un producto curioso, igual pronto investigo :D
    ¡Bsos! :3

  23. Estoy impresionado por el año en que se escribió el libro ..., en 1908, cuando se escribió este libro, mi país aún no estaba libre del colonialismo. Seguramente la historia de este libro es interesante de leer 😊

  24. I'm agree, they are very great products!

  25. this seems so useful and good...i need to try it!

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. Um produto que desconhecia por completo!
    Faço votos de que obtenha óptimos resultados, Carol!
    Excelente e completa partilha!
    Beijinhos! Bom fim de semana!

  28. Hola Carolina!! Yo tampoco conocía esta gama de productos y me parecen estupendos. ¡Tomo nota! Besos!!

  29. Nu am incercat astfel de produse pentru albirea dintilor, cred ca nu i-am dat atat de multa importanta. Desigur, ingrijirea dintilor e fundamentala si de aceea prefer sa ma concentrez sa am dinti sanatosi mai mult decat orice alt aspect estetic.

  30. Such teeth whitening products are very interesting, thanks for showing us (:

  31. I realy liked this whitening kit :) it was great for my teeth

  32. Súper importante una buena higiéne bucal siempre. Muy buenos productos. Te espero en mi blog.

  33. "

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