

Carol y su mundo !








lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

Cheap waist trainer online !!!

Cheap waist trainer online !!!

Good night, how was the weekend, I hope everything was great !! Today I show you a website with very attractive things, I have found quality clothes and at very good prices, I am sure you will like them !!!

Feelingirldress  It is a comprehensive company that integrates design, research and development, production and sales, with cross-border e-commerce as the operating model. The main products are adult costumes, corsets, girdles, camisoles, babydolls, bikini sets, sexy ladies panties, men's panties, sexy garter sets, dresses, sexy stockings and sexy leather collections. The annual production is more than 2,000,000 pieces. Buying wholesale lingerie and building your drop shipping business has never been easier!

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020

Mis camisetas preferidas !!!


Mis camisetas preferidas !!!


GOOD ! How about this weekend? The weather was not very good here, and right now it is raining, but the truth is that it was a bit lacking! We have gone out to have a barbecue, in my land it is allowed almost anywhere to barbecue! One thing I missed when I lived in Spain! 😔😔😔 Another time I have asked for almost the same shirts, right now I can't look at the news, I see that the website takes a few days of maintenance, the same thing happens to you? 😳😳😳

Happy week!!!

! Que tal este fin de semana ? Aquí no hizo muy buen tiempo , además ahora mismo está lloviendo , pero la verdad que hacía un poco de falta ! Nosotros hemos salido para hacer una barbacoa , en mi tierra está permitido casi en cualquier sitio hacer barbacoa ! Una cosa que echaba de menos cuando vivía en España ! 😔😔😔 Otra vez me he pedido casi las mismas camisetas , ahora mismo no puedo mirar las novedades, veo que la web lleva unos días de mantenimiento , os pasa lo mismo? 😳😳😳

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020

Back to School !!!

Buna ziua dragilor!!! Sunteti pregatite pentru inceperea anului scolar ? Ce pacat ca trebuie sa trecem prin asa un inceput diferit decat in alti ani , cand copiii abia asteptau sa se vada intre ei , sa se imbratiseze si sa isi povesteasca toate peripetiile petrecute in timpul veri ! Uite ca anul acesta toate aceste lucruri sunt diferite , totul trebuie facut pastrand distanta de siguranta , dar oare cum  ii impui unui copil sa pastreze aceasta distanta , cand el abia asteapta sa se vada cu colegi de clasa !!! Oare cum vom iesi la capat cu toate astea ? Sincer eu sunt preocupata pentru ca am trei copiii , doi dintre ei incep  ceva nou pentru ei , cel mare isi doreste sa mearga la facultate si cea mica , in acest an incepem gradinita si aici este frica cea mai mare !!!! Cum m-am gandit ca aveti atatea lucruri de cumparat pentru anul scolar , am zis hai sa va ajut un pic cu cateva lucruri frumoase pe care le-am gasit pe DECATHLON , sper ca o sa va placa la fel de mult cum mi-au placut mie !!! Sper sa aveti un an scolar usor !!!