

Carol y su mundo !








sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021

Wholesale lingerie!

Wholesale lingerie! 


Sure, you've been craving that totally adorable new pair of butt-sculpting, moisture-wicking leggings, but they're priced high and you have to pay rent this month. (Womp, womp.) Don't get me wrong. I love a good pair of leggings or sportswear as much as any active woman, especially if it features some new technology or innovation meant to help me PR.

But when it comes to the basics and staples of daily exercise, the good news is that you can still look and feel great during your workouts, without paying too much, so today I show you something nice and at a good price!

I present a website where you can find wholesale lingerie and dropship lingerie with the main designs sexy.

They supply all kinds of fine sexy lingerie like adult costumes, corsets, girdles, chemises, dolls, bikini sets, sexy ladies panties, men panties, sexy league sets, dresses, sexy stockings and sexy leather collections from China. Annual production is more than 2,000,000 pieces. Wholesale lingerie shopping and building your business with drop shipping has never been easier! Its goal is always to provide customers with high quality products at competitive prices directly from factory. Because they have their own factory and cooperate with several excellent clothing manufacturers with strong manufacturing and design capabilities
Today I show you my favorites to do sport! Happy weekend!

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2021

Comfortable clothes for women!

Comfortable clothes for women! 

At this point in the season, we know that one of the key trends has been comfort in patterns and garments that convey a sense of security and warmth, such as oversized coats that wrap you like a blanket and triumph among those who know more about fashion or knitted cardigans without which we no longer conceive any seasonal look. The fact that many of us have gone from office looks to teleworking has caused us to substitute miniskirts for leggings and heels for canvas shoes. In this sense, that the fashion firms to be at home have gained prominence is something natural

Self-care is the best kind of care, girl! Now more than ever it is so important to put yourself first and take time out of your day to focus on the most important person, YOU. Whether it's just making your favorite drink or taking 15 minutes a day to have some fun with yourself, self-care is amazing for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
I hope you listen to these tips!  femmeluxe
Now in my city we are back at home so here are the photos of the inside again!

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021



Schi sau snowboard? Este dilema celor care vor să se apuce de sporturile de iarnă.

Un schior va spune că schiul e un sport mai tehnic şi mai elegant, aşa că are întâietate. Un snowboarder va susţine că placa îi dă mai multă libertate, deci ar fi de preferat.

Instructorii spun însă că orice am alege, preţul lecţiilor şi timpul de învăţare este acelaşi. În plus, şi cheltuiala cu echipamentul este cam la fel de mare. Uite  asa m-am gandit sa v-a prezint cateva echipamete  petru SCHI SI SNOWBOARD , voua care ditre cele doua v-a plac mai mult ?? Eu inca nu ma pot decide pentru ca inca  nu am incercat niciunul !!!

Schiul are peste 130 de ani vechime în ţara noastră, iar primele competiţii de amatori s-au desfăşurat pe la 1900, în Poiana Braşov.