

Carol y su mundo !








miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021

Aniversarea de 120 de ani a ciocolatei tandre! ⤵️⤵️⤵️

Anul acesta Milka sărbătoreşte 120 de ani !

Aniversarea de 120 de ani a ciocolatei tandre este prilejul perfect pentru a accentua filozofia Milka: mai multă tandreţe oferită celor din jur inspiră şi aduce oamenii mai aproape, iar pe fiecare dintre noi ne face mai înţelegători, mai rabdători şi mai generoşi.

@the_buzzstore_ro @milka.romania

Pe 9 octombrie, se naște la Boudry, Elveția, Philippe Suchard. La vârsta de 17 ani, acesta își începe ucenicia de cofetar în ciocolateria din Berna a fratelui său Frédéric.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

Lolita clothing! ❤️❤️❤️

The Chinese elements in Lolita clothing

Chinese fashion and dressing style are amongst the most vibrant. The bright colors, the vivid patterns are not only popular in culture, but they also represent the culture of the land. 

Besides, the Chinese dressing sense is more than just a style statement. The essence of Chinese fashion has always been derived from the country’s evolution. From the dragon-clad robes to hanfu, the clothing styles have constantly reflected the traditions, beliefs, and social status. 

Features of Chinese clothing

Now we know, Chinese clothing is reliant on the culture and traditions. The aesthetic component of their clothing comes from vibrant colors and patterns. In addition to that, the cultural connotations have always been a stand-out feature. Chinese silk and brocade are the most preferred fabrics for clothing.

The quality of these fabrics was of the highest order. As lustrous as these fabrics flaunted, their durability was exceptional too. Nowadays, hemp and synthetic fibers, too, are used at scale. The cost-effectiveness of these fabrics is a major advantage.

Meanwhile, the styles of Chinese fashion are evolving at a noticeable pace. The tunic suit is an evergreen attire for the Chinese. Though it is meant for the male audience, the volume of female users is increasing by the day. 

Likewise, Hanfu has held its grandeur over the years. The traditional Hanfu was growing irrelevant, almost turning into a collectible for enthusiasts. However, with an evident western influence, modern hanfu has been a revelation in Chinese fashion.



Colors and Patterns

As we talk about colors, diversity is unrivaled. From the bright red to the elegant black, Chinese fashion and its love for color are well-known. They are also very specific in matching their colors to the seasons. 

Traditionally, red is considered auspicious and is often worn during events and festivals. Green has always inspired growth and, likewise, worn during the spring season. During the cold winter, dark clothing, and especially black, can be observed. Altogether, the unique Chinese system of matching colors and their contrasts is a treat to watch.

To go with the vibrant colors, the Chinese love bold patterns in their clothing. Be it the majestical dragon or butterflies, every pattern elevated the attire to look grand yet being comfortable for the individual.

Also, water lily and peony are a must-have floral pattern in Chinese fashion. Floral patterns are a significant feature of Chinese culture. Patterns in China are also attached to prosperity, wealth, and other beliefs. 

Features of Lolita Clothing

Lolita is a popular dressing trend with its roots in the Victorian and Rococo styles. Keeping up with the latest trends and changes, Lolita fashion has evolved over the years. Despite the evolution, its core element of youthful and doll-like look has not changed, and rightly so.

A subculture in Japan, Lolita clothing helps ladies flaunt cute yet dignified looks. If you think doll-like and ladies cannot go together, then you must try Lolita fashion to embrace the truth. 

Contrary to the usual belief, a formal Lolita dress can be a go-to outfit for formal events. This unique fashion started a streetwear trend, growing into a popular global theme. With many styles under its umbrella, Lolita clothing is as aesthetic as it gets.

The basis of Lolita fashion is a skirt and a blouse. Seems common, right? Wait, the uniqueness is with the style of the skirt. Lolita style skirts are bell-shaped. Similarly, the blouses are puffy-round. This is the most basic template for Lolita clothing. There are numerous styles of Lolita clothing.

martes, 4 de mayo de 2021

Idei cadouri sportive! ⛹️⛹️‍♂️⛹️‍♀️


Idei cadouri sportive! ⛹️⛹️‍♂️⛹️‍♀️

Creațiile lor se adresează tuturor, indiferent dacă ești începător sau expert. Oricare ar fi obstacolele pe care le întâmpini, inovațiile din Decathlon te vor ajuta să le depășești. Fiecare persoană merită șansa de a intra pe teren, să tragă la țintă, să urce un munte, să escaladeze,sa joace baschet, să înoate, să călărească sau să ajungă cât mai departe.

Decathlon se concentrează pe modul în care poate oferi echipament sportiv la cel mai bun raport calitate - preț. Fie ca este vorba despre ambalaje economice, maximizarea inovării sau a investiției în personal, de 40 de ani fac sporturile mai accesibile pentru sute de milioane de oameni din întreaga lume.
Produsele decathlon  au rolul de a încuraja toate persoanele să practice sport în mod regulat, indiferent de abilități sau statut. Datorită calității și prețului, îți poți permite toate articolele necesare pentru a practica cu încredere sportul tău preferat. Obiectivul  este să construiască o relație de durată cu latura ta sportivă. De fapt, fericirea ta este pasiunea lor . Strategia celor din decathlon este să îmbunătățească calitatea vieții prin încurajarea practicării sportului în mod regulat.
Sper ca cu siguranță sa gasesti ceva plăcut în selecția mea de azi pentru a te convinge ca trebuie să te apuci de sport dacă încă nu ai făcut-o, eu recunosc că chiar ar trebui să o fac! 😉😉😉

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

Best air tumble mat! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Tumlemat is one of the world's largest suppliers in the production of air mats, with several years of extensive experience. Despite the fact that there are several operators that offer air mats, their products are of poor quality and these companies gradually start to break down over time. They have developed the best quality air mat and make sure every part in production maintains the best quality. They can produce an air drum that is durable and safe thanks to hundreds of tests. And they're always in close contact with customers, from ordering to guidance on how to use an air track.