

Carol y su mundo !








martes, 22 de junio de 2021

Water bottle!!! 🥤🥤🥤

Do you drink enough water everyday? Come on and stay hydrated with KEEPTO!

How many times did you want to find a perfect thermal water bottle that is preferred by you for a long time, well now Your search for the thermal water bottle is over! Meet the KEEPTO Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle! PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES NO, we really don't like it that much! The KEEPTO water bottle is made from premium 18/8 stainless steel that is 100% BPA free. This bottle will keep your drinks hot and cold for many hours. Now no matter where you go, you are sure to take it with you everywhere! You will also never sweat no matter the temperature of the drink. Tired of those water bottles that sweat and leak? We all taste bottles that sweat and leak! Double-wall insulation makes the KEEPTO water bottle sweat-free. Well, try the KEEPTO that comes with 3, YES !!! 3 different lids (straw lid with 2 different straws, flip lid and stainless steel lid). Looking for a bottle of water to take anywhere? The Keepto Double Wall Insulated Water Bottle will meet all your needs. Whether you fill it with boiling water or an ice pack, the bottle never gets hot or cold to go. The portable water bottle is suitable for the office, the gym or even for outdoor activities such as cycling, camping and hiking. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and order the #KEEPTO now!

Information about the bottle! Does this bottle have a straw? - YES! The 64OZ has a removable straw brush, and you can drink water with or without a straw, use it however you like! So if it sounds wonderful, they are also so cute, right?

2. Is this bottle dishwasher safe? - NOT. The dishwasher can damage the bottle or melt the words. That is why we recommend that you wash it by hand. I don't think you would like to spoil it.

 3. Is this bottle really leak proof? - YES! The lid with the lid lock has a silicone ring plus a silicone plug to make sure it is leak proof. How wonderful, right? 4. What size should I get? - If you are just starting your hydration plan, don't need as much water, or like to drink through a straw, we suggest you get the 64oz pitcher of water

. 5. What should I do if a bottle breaks? - Within a period of 3 months, any failure caused by non-artificial causes will be replaced immediately. I love this type of bottle, and now with the heat they are wonderful and have a very beautiful design. You like? 🥤🥤🥤 !!!! 

As the summer heat continues and outdoor activities increase or sports practices ramp up for the fall, how will you and your loved ones stay hydrated with 64oz water jug





Colorful design suitable for various occasions, fits anyone looking to keep up with their daily water intake.

Time marker shows you how much you drank by a certain time, remind you drink enough everyday.

External handle makes it easy to take with you anywhere and keep hydrated anytime.


64oz water jug 

jueves, 10 de junio de 2021

SPORTURI DE VARA de la Decathlon! 🏄‍♀️🏊⛹️‍♀️🚴🤸‍♀️

Buna ziua frumo@selor ! După careva calendar a început vara, dar unde locuiesc eu cred că încă nu, demult nu am văzut o zi fără ploaie 💙💙💙! Dar totuși cred că încă nu este totul pierdut și încă vremea se poate schimba și atâta timp cât vremea o să fie frumoasă eu vă propun câteva sporturi de vară, cum ar fi patinajul, înotul, mersul pe bicicleta sau pe trotinetă... Din acest motiv aveți în acest post câteva propuneri pentru a putea face un pic de mișcare, eu le prefer pe toate! Exista, din fericire, mai multe sporturi de care te poti bucura in lunile de vara, iar pe unele dintre ele le poti folosi nu doar ca o simpla scuza ca sa iesi afara, in aer liber, ci si pentru a avea o activitate fizica placuta, care te ajuta sa arzi caloriile.Fie ca iti plac activitatile mai intense , ori cele care sunt putin mai "calme", important este sa gasesti un sport de vara si sa fii activ, lasand deoparte statul pe canapea, in fata televizorului,ori pe telefon! Chiar daca nu iti place sa practici un sport anume, tot poti face ceva benefic pentru articulatiile tale, cum ar fi sa iesi afara si sa faci o plimbare, ori prin parc, ori pe plaja, sa mergi cu bicicleta ori cu trotineta dimineata foarte devreme, ori seara, la asfintit

Care sunt sporturile voastre preferate de vară???