

Carol y su mundo !








jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2021

Vanish Oxi Action, aliatul tau! ✔️✔️✔️

Ajuta hainele tale sa traiasca mai multe vieti cu #VanishLaFiecareSpalare

Tu cum ai grija de hainele tale preferate, cele de care esti indragostit(a) pentru ca te fac sa te simti minunat? Fie ca sunt noi sau le ai in dulap de ceva timp, merita sa traiasca mai multe vieti!

Ei bine, vreau sa împărtășesc cu tine vestea cea buna! Are legatura cu un produs pe care cu siguranta il vei integra la fiecare spalare si care are grija de hainele ce te inspira sa creezi tinute la moda si demne de numeroase aprecieri. Este vorba despre Vanish Oxi Action, aliatul tau de nelipsit pentru prelungirea vietii hainelor tale albe si colorate. Cu o doza la fiecare spalare indeparteaza petele, previne transferul culorilor, mentine albul stralucitor si combate mirosurile neplacute de pe tesaturi!

Ureaza bun venit aditivilor Vanish Oxi Action in rutina de spalare a hainelor si rezolva 3 probleme cu un singur produs ce nu ar trebui sa mai lipseasca din casa ta!
#buzzvanish #vanishlafiecarespalare #3probleme1vanish @the_buzzstore_ro @vanish.romania

domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2021

Best Waist Trainer Wrap! ✔️✔️✔️

Best Waist Trainer Wrap! ✔️✔️✔️

You know that slim shapewear
 mainly focuses on women's shapewear and sportswear. I'm pretty sure you've heard of them on more than one occasion! They have the ideal solution for the production of fabrics with the best technology, produced with excellent infrastructure. They make pioneering garments in their design, manufacturing techniques and materials.

Every woman deserves to live every day looking and feeling her best. At waist trainer wrap
, you are empowered to be confident, sexy, and balanced with exceptional quality girdles that enhance your natural beauty.

. The Tummy Control butt lifter and a look will instantly tell you how wonderful this shaping piece for women is. Its high-waisted design will flatten your abdomen and waist while contouring and lifting your entire torso. They are very comfortable and easy to wear under any type of clothing. Create an amazing butt lift and dimension in a natural and authentic way. With additional belly control, this butt lifter is adjustable so you can achieve your desired butt lift with the adjustable built-in hooks. . ● Perfect shape and comfortable feeling. ● Improve your butt ● flattens your stomach ● Perfect under skinny jeans, short skirts, and your favorite dresses. ● Effortless all day, modeling every day for a flatter abdomen and buttocks. Three levels of loot lifting: Level 1 for a natural lift Level 2 for a more complete survey Level 3 for maximum lift

Designed with graduated mesh that targets the tummy, this does more for you while offering the softest, lightest shaping.

It Features:
● Free of underwire for total comfort;
● Pretty, flexible lace moves with you for a comfortable fit, makes you more breathable;
● Extra control with high elastic mesh to strengthen the abdomen.;
● Adjustable and convertible straps - wear multi-ways;
● Open crotch design for easy bathroom access.

 This is the perfect body shaper that helps to easily burn fat and calories whether you’re working out or just sitting all day at home or at the office or going about your normal daily activities.

One Size:  length: 157.5 inches  width: 5 inches
Plus Size:  length: 197 inches width: 5.5 inches
Only black is available for Plus Size now.
● Fabric: 35% latex + 65%polyest
● Excellent elasticity & durable
● You can adjust the tightness according to your needs with 6 high quality velcros & loop fasteners.
● It increases metabolism that flattens the abdomen to help define your curves.
● Reduces and snatches the waist to give you a lovely hourglass figure
● Straightens your posture, provides lower back support and helps that area of your tummy tucked in and comfortable.